Crown and Bridges

Crown and Bridge are dental restorative appliances that cover a tooth or an implant. They are recommended by dentists when there is a presence of decay and the tooth is severely traumatized, where the restoration may not be sufficient to restore it to its original structure.

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Dental Cleanings

Daily brushing and flossing are the keys to practicing good oral hygiene and overall health, preventing plaque and tartar buildup and reducing the chances of decay and gum disease. Studies have indicated that oral health problems have been linked to other serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

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Implant restoration involves using titanium implants that are placed underneath the gum into the jawbone. As the surrounding bone and gums tissue heal, around the implant, they will fuse together, creating a strong and stable anchor for the replacement tooth.

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Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy is usually recommended when there is an inflammation or an infection in the roots of a tooth. This treatment is performed by removing the pulp from the central part of the tooth, cleaning, disinfecting and shaping the root canals. Finally, a filling is then placed to seal the space. After a root canal treatment, a crown is generally recommended for protective purposes.

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Mercury-Free, Tooth-Coloured Fillings

We offer natural looking mercury-free filling procedures. These restorations are long lasting, prevent infections and are ecstatically pleasing.

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Dental Veneers are super thin tailor made porcelain shells that are adhered to the teeth’s anterior surface to enhance the overall natural appearance.

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Venus in Office Whitening

Equipped with the highest level of training in aesthetic dentistry, our team will help you get the perfect, pearly, and pleasant smile you’ve always wanted! We use the safest yet most effective tools to help whiten your teeth in the gentlest manner possible.

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Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Also known as “laughing gas”, is a safe and effective sedation method, inhaled through a mask that is placed over your nose to help you relax during procedures. Throughout the procedure, you will be able to hear and respond to any requests from the dentist. Also, it’s a good idea to eat lightly two hours prior to your procedure and avoid a big meal for three hours afterward.

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Periodontal (Gum) Treatment

Gum disease arises due to inflammation of the gum or gingiva. The development of plaque on teeth is an added factor. Swollen & bleeding gums lead to chronic inflammation and infection of the gums and surrounding tissue.
Deep cleaning to remove harden plaque and infected tissue at its early stages of periodontal disease will aid the process in healing of the gums. Also, an antibiotic rinse is applied in controlling the infection. This treatment will delicately address the affected areas. Our patients are also advised to maintain a regular brushing and flossing schedule to avoid plaque from building up again.

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Night Guards & Custom Sports Mouth Guard

The action of grinding teeth together or jaws being clenched is known as bruxism. Bruxism often occurs while you sleep, due to stress or anxiety, which leads to a sore jaw or a light headache in the next morning. At YT Dental Centres, we will fit you with a night guard so your teeth remain protected as you sleep. We also specialize in creating custom sports mouth guards for athletes for similar purposes in assistance with our dental laboratory where the custom guard will be created to keep your teeth safe and performing at full capacity.

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Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth, which are also known as the third molars, usually appear in the late teens or in the early 20s. When a wisdom tooth or any tooth lacks the space to fully erupt, it may be recommended by the dentist to extract the tooth, to intercept possible impaction or damage to adjacent teeth.

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